2014 Provincial Assembly Exhibits

The 2014 Provincial Assembly was held in Las Vegas at Alexis Park Resort.  As usual, photo exhibits of the Viatorians celebrating their jubilees and in remembrance of those who died in the past year were on display.

Jubilarian Exhibit

Congratulations to our Viatorian Jubilarians:
Fr. Francis White - 70 years of priesthood
Frs. Robert Bolser and Lawrence Lentz - 50 years of religious life
Frs. Corey Brost and Carlos Luis Claro - 25 years of religious life

To read more about the 2014 Jubilarians: click here

In Memoriam Exhibit

In our thoughts and prayers:
Associate Euchrist "Mush" Marcotte - Bourbonnais/Kankakee region
Associate Glenda Francis - Foundation of Belize