My first visit to Villa Desiderata in McHenry finally happened last Saturday, June 15th. Unfortunately, it was a rainy morning - I was hoping for a beautiful sunny day to enjoy Pistakee Lake. But the company was great - driving up with Associate Faith Dussman and Br. Dale Barth, CSV, and the host, Br. Pat Drohan, CSV, was so welcoming. It was an enjoyable visit, regardless of the weather.

Villa Desiderata is a retreat house for various 12 step programs, including Alcoholics Anonymous, Al-Anon for friends and families, Adult Children of Alcoholics, Overeaters Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous. Br. Pat has been ministering there since 1963 - celebrating 50 years of service this year along with 50 years of religious life.

Congratulations, Br. Pat Drohan and thanks for the tour!

Viatorian Associate and Archivist