50 Years in Colombia - 1961-2011 Exhibit
In 1961, Fr. John W. Stafford, C.S.V., Provincial, announced:
“After months of prayerful study the Chicago Province has decided on the location of our new Latin American Mission, and on the three young Viatorian priests who will be the Founding Fathers. May our selection and our plans be in conformity to the Holy Will of our Divine Master.
The Capital City of Bogota, Colombia, will very soon become the newest field of labor in the Works of St. Viator. The Founding Fathers of this new Mission, which, we pray will some day glow radiantly in Father Querbes’ crown, are Father James F. Crilly, C.S.V., (Superior), Father Adalbert I. Mayr, C.S.V., and Father Thomas F. Wise, C.S.V.”
Included in the display are photographs of the founders, the departure ceremony, planning the school, blessing the land and the future site of the school. Also, the original invitation to the departure ceremony, the daily logs of the confreres, the architectural rendering of the school and the first yearbook of Colegio San Viator dedicated to Fr. John Stafford, CSV are on exhibit.
In 2011, after 50 years of continuous ministry in Bogota and varied ministries throughout Colombia, the Viatorians serve Colegio San Viator, Parroquia San Juan María Vianney and Parroquia San Basilio Magno.
Included in the display are photographs of these school and parishes, lists of today's Colombian associates and vowed religious Viatorians, a listing of the cities and institutions where the the Viatorians ministered throughout the years as well as the priests and brothers from the US who served in these communities.
The exhibit case is in the lower level foyer of the Province Center near the chapel - stop by take a look and honor all who served and continue to serve in Colombia today!