Well, it's here - the Beast - affectionately called that due to it's huge presence in my office! I'm still learning all aspects of this scanner's capabilities, but so far it is awesome! The Atiz BookDrive Pro will be keeping me very busy now. My first project is digitizing the St. Viator College newspaper, The Viatorian, from 1883-1938 - that's approximately 13,000 pages. This will keep the fragile bound books preserved and research can be done on the digital surrogates. Applying optical character recognition (OCR) will also allow for keyword searching in most instances.
In the future, my hopes are to work on digitization projects for others in the Viatorian Community, CSV institutions and possibly for members of the Chicago Area Religious Archivists.
Thanks to Mary Fischer from Atiz for the set-up and training session and Katelyn Meehan for volunteering to learn how to use this equipment and the capture/editing software! Special thanks to the leadership and staff at the Province Center for their continued support with my "big" ideas!! :) I'm blessed in many ways, always!