The Viatorian Community Archives received three new books this week - two written by confreres and the 2010 yearbook from Colegio San Viator.

Fr. Felipe Montes Serna, CSV from Bogota, Colombia wrote a book titled "Del Ego a la Dinamica Pasiva" - which explores the human ego. It is a softcover book, 205 pages, written in Spanish and just published in 2010. Fr. Serna is a psychologist at the University of Santo Tomas and ministers at San Juan Maria Vianney Parish - both in Bogota.

Fr. Eugene Weitzel, CSV from Beardstown, IL just published his new book in 2010 titled "I Want to be a Husband and Father For Life and a Catholic Priest Forever." It is a 236 page hardcover book. The back cover of the book states that "Fr. Weitzel, has written this book, to urge the Catholic Church to cease requiring priests to take a solemn vow of celibacy and allow candidates for the priesthood to marry and raise a family."
Congratulations to both CSV authors for their contributions to the literary world. If interested in any of these new books, please stop by the archives to peruse them!